
It's August first. Three days before I get married. Things are looking good and I'm continuing my "habit" (laughable as it is) of journaling. Figured I'd try to write it as a website, this way I'll keep the little practice for web design while also practicing my writing skills.

The wedding seems to be coming together well. All the woodwork/crafting is done and coming together well, Gail pulled out all the stops on the stuff. Tonight is the rehearsal and we're doing it in the back yard, then having some pizza for supper. Can't wait to see Elsie and Annie, and I hope Elsie and Millie get along, they'll be ridiculously cute if they do. We have most everything cleaned up and done so now it's just the social aspects, seeing/talking to everybody. Really looking forward to getting away to Gros Morne on the tail end of things though.

I finished (or rather caught up to the most recent) Path of Ascension yesterday. Really enjoyed it even though I didn't really get "hooked". It's take on cultivation and how it would affect civilization was very much in line with some of the things I've been imagining. Especially how the empire has been pushing social supports and having larger populations to pull the truly talented from. Just wish there'd been some tension, the characters had a safety net in pretty much every encounter.