
Had the wedding rehearsal last night and it went decently well. L was late because the kids had a swimming lesson that absolutely couldn't be missed. (/s) K was also late, but she wasn't involved so it didn't impact as much. We ended up running through things quickly twice but then Jane had to leave for another appointment. The pizza was 40 minutes late getting there, but ultimately that worked out pretty well as everyone was ready to sit down as soon as it was ready to go. The kids seemed to have a blast all hanging out in the backyard. They were playing with a big frisbee Gail had as well as an old soccer ball and one of the hammocks.

K somehow also forgot to arrange for J to go to Get Air with us. He ended up missing out on hanging out with his cousins and having fun jumping with all of us. I'm thinking me and Gail should take him out and hang out after we get back from Gros Morne. Other than that Get Air was awesome - we're sore today to make up for it though. My ankle that I had sprained is acting up from over-use and Gail has been complaining of her knees. We're getting so old.